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Meet Kelly

Should anyone have told me that this is this place that I would be six years ago, I would’ve laughed profusely. Inner Peace, tranquility, peace of mind and self-love were not things I even had a concept of. I honestly chose a hard path. Because of bad choices early in life, I positioned myself for an uphill battle. Through this battle of my will, there have been multiple divorces, abuse, death, sadness, grief, depression, and anxiety-sprinkle in a little OCD and ADD, and voila…a hot mess cake has been baked. I have been blessed with three beautiful children, two of which were primarily raised on my own as a single mother. I spent most of my days feeling inadequate and always reaching into tomorrow, working so hard to better my situation for my kids.

I acquired terrible coping skills during this time, and alcohol was a consistent companion, along with cigarettes and a terrible diet. I was merely surviving. The only thing I felt that I did well was work. I worked hard. Over the years, I ultimately became successful in the corporate world; deep into six figures, I was perplexed at the presence of a consistent empty feeling. For all appearances, my life was getting better. I had met a wonderful man who treated me well for the first time, and my career had taken off. The darkness and drinking persisted until one day in 2016 after a terrible report on my health from the doctor, and I made some drastic shifts. I started with my diet, went vegan, removed sugar from my life, quit smoking, and quit my stressful job. Who was I without my job and a crutch that I felt I couldn’t live without? After removing these items, I thought I did not need to quit drinking. This started at the beginning of the year, and by the end of 2016, it was evident that I could not manage the drinking. So I quit.

A raw, pulsating nerve is the best way to describe what I felt. I did not like who I was left to face without any vice whatsoever. I did this for the next four months until I found yoga and a community in California that I loved. I was away from family and old friends and started seeing and feeling light breakthrough, discovering parts of myself that I liked. Yoga was feeding my mind, body, and soul. This was in 2017. In the summer of 2018, we moved back to Utah, and I knew I wanted to bring the gift of yoga to others. I went to yoga teacher training and decided that my purpose was to bring this to the workplace and teach individuals how to manage stress through yoga and meditation. The private sector also allowed me the gift of working one on one with those facing medical injury or so self-conscious that they were too embarrassed to attend a large class. My walls melted, and a softer side of myself began to lead, the joy I have experienced being a part of people's lives! I have the willingness and desire to continue my personal growth and love sharing the things that have helped me with others.  I discovered sound healing this year, and it is a layer that has created such intense joy in others. Assisting people to find themselves is my purpose. I desire people to find peace within themselves regardless of what has happened in their past. Your relationships can be repaired at any age, and it is never too late or early to lean in and run towards your fears.

Meet Kelly: About
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